Month: October 2022

Safety Tips

How To Stay Safe This Flood Season?

One of Malaysia’s most frequent natural disasters, especially during the monsoon season, is flooding. It happens almost every year and the coasts of peninsular Malaysia are most vulnerable to flooding, particularly from October to March, when the northeast monsoon season occurs. Floods hazards may risk people’s health as it involves water and food borne diseases and may cause mass infections in the populations. In order to curb these health risks, we should know and understand important tips to protect ourselves from any diseases and danger pre and post floods. These are the following tips that you may follow during the […]

Safety Tips

Let’s Stay Safe During The Rainy Season

Heavy rain is a common weather condition in Malaysia. Constant heavy downpours in the past have caused massive destruction to the country. However, what is crucial is to be prepared for it. A heavy rain can cause serious harm if you don’t take proper precautions. For example, heavy rain can cause accidents- such as getting hit by a car or getting injured while working in a garden- as well as damage your property. Additionally, if you can, remain inside during a downpour. Keep your windows closed to prevent insects from entering your home through the wind currents of a storm. The […]

Safety Tips

Here’s How to Protect Your Ears from Fireworks during Diwali Celebrations

Diwali is a festival of lights celebrated throughout the world, especially in India and other nations with significant Indian populations. Celebrated with prayer, prosperity and the gift of knowledge, Diwali is an occasion for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains to reunite with family and friends. This festival is also a time to bring light to the hearts and minds of people who have been in darkness. Known as the ‘Festival of Light,’ or ‘, Diwali is celebrated with pomp and glory, with family prayers, gifts, food They also celebrate it with fireworks, which are used to symbolize a hope for a […]

Health Tips

SMART Tips for Exercising Safely with Arthritis

Arthritis is a general term for disorders that cause pain, stiffness and other symptoms in the joints. Numerous types of arthritis exist; the most common form is osteoarthritis. In this disease, the cartilage that cushions and nourishes the joint degenerates. Osteoarthritis causes excruciating pain and renders movement difficult. In many cases, it becomes virtually impossible to walk or stand without support. Patients with arthritis may find it difficult to exercise due to their diminished strength and impaired mobility. It is generally accepted that people with arthritis should still exercise to maintain a strong and healthy body. It keeps muscles strong […]

Health Awareness

Mental Health Strategies in The Workplace

According to a World Health Organization scientific brief, the global prevalence of anxiety and sadness increased by 25% in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, 21% of individuals in the United States (52.9 million people) are dealing from mental illness. This equates to one in every five adults. In most countries, the situation would be identical. Because of the severity of these issues, which frequently goes undetected, there is a lack of reliable information about workplace mental health. Some workers prefer to suffer in quiet rather than asking for assistance from their bosses or co-workers because they believe […]

Health Awareness

Why Mental Health Awareness is Important

Mental health is a state of emotional, mental, and behavioral well-being. It affects every aspect of our lives including physical, social, psychological, and spiritual aspects. People who have mental health issues frequently face stigma, which can make it difficult to seek help. Due to this, many people suffer in silence and that’s a serious issue. We need to increase awareness of mental health problems and encourage people to seek help. Globally, mental health problems are on the rise. In the recent decade, there has been a 13% increase in mental health illnesses and substance use disorders, primarily due to demographic […]

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