

The Hidden Danger: Diabetes and Your Heart

When we think of diabetes, we frequently think of blood sugar levels and insulin. While these are important parts of diabetes management, there is another important link that sometimes goes overlooked – the link between diabetes and heart health. Understanding this link is more important than ever in Malaysia, where diabetes is on the rise. Diabetes Is a Major Risk Factor for Heart Disease Did you know that people with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease? It’s a striking statistic that underscores the close connection between these two illnesses. The causes are many, but they boil down […]


Diabetes dan Kesihatan Jantung: Apa Kaitan Antara Mereka?

Apabila kita bercakap tentang diabetes, kita sering fokus kepada tahap gula dalam darah dan insulin. Walaupun ini adalah aspek yang penting dalam mengawal diabetes, terdapat satu lagi aspek yang sering dilupakan – iaitu hubungan antara diabetes dan kesihatan jantung. Di Malaysia, di mana peningkatan kes semakin membimbangkan, memahami hubungan ini adalah penting.  Diabetes adalah Faktor Risiko Utama untuk Penyakit Jantung Tahukah anda bahawa individu yang menghidapi diabetes mempunyai risiko dua hingga empat kali ganda lebih tinggi untuk menghidapi penyakit jantung? Penjelasan untuk hubungan ini agak kompleks, tetapi ia berbalik kepada kesan tahap gula dalam darah yang tinggi ke atas saluran […]


Managing Diabetes with Malaysian Cuisine

Malaysia’s broad culinary tradition is known for its bright flavors and varied meals. The tantalizing diversity of flavors, however, can be a challenge for people with diabetes. But don’t worry; it is feasible to enjoy the delectable flavors of Malaysian cuisine while keeping diabetes under control. In this blog post, we’ll look at some tips and methods for navigating the world of Malaysian food with diabetes, as well as how Awam Clinic may help you on your path to better health. Embrace Grains Rice is a staple in Malaysia and typically takes center stage in meals. While it is a […]


Tips untuk Anda Mengawal Diabetes dalam Masakan Malaysia

Warisan kulinari Malaysia yang kaya dengan pelbagai hidangan yang kaya rasa terkenal di seluruh dunia. Bagi individu yang ingin mengawal diabetes, pelbagai sajian yang menggugat selera boleh menjadi satu cabaran. Tetapi jangan bimbang; anda masih boleh menikmati rasa lazat masakan Malaysia. Dalam artikel blog ini, kita akan meneroka beberapa petua dan tip untuk menelusuri dunia makanan Malaysia dengan diabetes, dan bagaimana Awam Clinic boleh memberikan panduan lebih lanjut dalam usaha meningkatkan kesihatan anda. Makanan Bijirin: Di Malaysia, nasi adalah makanan asas dan sering menjadi tumpuan utama dalam hidangan. Walaupun nasi adalah sumber karbohidrat yang boleh mempengaruhi paras gula dalam darah, […]


Diabetes and Fasting: Tips on Hari Raya Puasa

As Hari Raya Puasa approaches, diabetes patients may be concerned about maintaining their health while enjoying the festivities. However, with some planning and preparation, you can still enjoy the holiday without jeopardizing your health. Food is one of the most important aspects to consider during Hari Raya Puasa. Traditional dishes like rendang, lemang, and ketupat are tasty but high in fat, salt, and sugar. This can be difficult for diabetic patients who must monitor their blood sugar levels. As a result, it is critical to plan ahead of time and make healthier food choices. Choose grilled or roasted meats, fresh […]


Why Is Blood Glucose Monitoring Important during Ramadan?

Ramadan is a significant religious period for Muslims worldwide, and it entails fasting from dawn to dusk. While fasting is an integral part of Ramadan, it can pose serious health risks to people with certain medical conditions, particularly those with diabetes. Monitoring blood glucose levels during Ramadan is critical for avoiding complications and maintaining good health. The Importance of Blood Glucose Monitoring Maintaining stable blood glucose levels is crucial for diabetics to avoid problems such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Keeping blood glucose levels steady during Ramadan, when food and hydration intake are restricted, can be difficult, and monitoring becomes even […]


Manage Your Diabetes During Ramadhan: Benefits and Tips

During Ramadan, the Islamic calendar’s ninth month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. While fasting has many spiritual and physical benefits, it can be difficult for people with diabetes. People with diabetes, on the other hand, can safely fast during Ramadan with careful planning and management. Fasting during Ramadan is not only a religious practice; it can also have numerous health benefits for diabetics: Fasting tips for diabetics during Ramadan: Do you want to fast during Ramadan but are concerned about your diabetes? Our doctors are here to assist you! Get practical advice and tips for managing diabetes and staying […]


Ramadan Diabetes Nutrition: Top Tips & Simplified Plate Method

Fasting during Ramadan can be difficult for diabetics, especially when deciding what foods to eat at Sahor and Iftar. To effectively manage your diabetes during Ramadan, choose healthy and nutritious foods that will keep you full and energized throughout the day. Ramadhan Nutrition Plate Method The Ramadhan Nutrition Plate Method, which divides your plate into three sections for complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, is a helpful tool for guiding your food choices during Ramadan. This method can help you eat a balanced and nutritious meal while controlling your blood sugar levels. Looking for dietary advice to help you […]

Health Tips

Is The Blood Sugar Control Programme Fake?

Blood sugar control programmes have been blooming for the past few years. They offer many promises, prominent among them is that they can reduce and cure their diabetes, but how can this be true? Can diabetes be controlled by changing to a healthy lifestyle? Diet plays a significant role in managing diabetes as the source of glucose comes from the food itself. Therefore, eating less sugary foods, fewer carbohydrates and other foods that trigger the level of blood glucose is one of the ways to manage your blood sugar level. According to the CDC(Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), you […]

Health Tips

3 Common Warning signs on the skin in Diabetes

For diabetics, it is important for you to be alert with all of the warning signs if your conditions are prolonged. Many untreated diabetics do not monitor their blood sugar level until the condition has worsened. Blood sugar level cannot be seen by the naked eye, and you need to monitor it by using glucometer. When the level of glucose is consistently high for a very long time, diabetics might experience few warning signs on the skin. Diabetes rash is the term used to describe the warning signs on the skin. For people that have diabetes, they tend to have […]

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