Month: April 2023


Diabetes and Fasting: Tips on Hari Raya Puasa

As Hari Raya Puasa approaches, diabetes patients may be concerned about maintaining their health while enjoying the festivities. However, with some planning and preparation, you can still enjoy the holiday without jeopardizing your health. Food is one of the most important aspects to consider during Hari Raya Puasa. Traditional dishes like rendang, lemang, and ketupat are tasty but high in fat, salt, and sugar. This can be difficult for diabetic patients who must monitor their blood sugar levels. As a result, it is critical to plan ahead of time and make healthier food choices. Choose grilled or roasted meats, fresh […]


Why Is Blood Glucose Monitoring Important during Ramadan?

Ramadan is a significant religious period for Muslims worldwide, and it entails fasting from dawn to dusk. While fasting is an integral part of Ramadan, it can pose serious health risks to people with certain medical conditions, particularly those with diabetes. Monitoring blood glucose levels during Ramadan is critical for avoiding complications and maintaining good health. The Importance of Blood Glucose Monitoring Maintaining stable blood glucose levels is crucial for diabetics to avoid problems such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Keeping blood glucose levels steady during Ramadan, when food and hydration intake are restricted, can be difficult, and monitoring becomes even […]


Why Health Screening is Important for You

Health screening is a proactive method of detecting any health issues before they become problematic. It entails testing and evaluating an individual’s general health to discover whether there are any underlying health concerns that need to be addressed further. Regular health screening is essential for maintaining good health and avoiding the start of chronic disorders. One of the most significant advantages of health screening is that it can discover diseases at an early stage. Many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, may not manifest symptoms until they are advanced. These ailments, however, can be diagnosed early with routine health […]


How To Manage Physical Activities as A Hemophilia Patient

Physical activity can be challenging for people with hemophilia due to the risk of bleeding. Conversely, exercise is essential for maintaining overall health and avoiding complications such as joint damage. Individuals with hemophilia can safely participate in physical activity with careful planning and management. Working with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized exercise plan is the first step in managing physical activity for people with hemophilia. This strategy should consider the individual’s specific hemophilia type and severity and any other medical conditions or limitations. Swimming, cycling, and yoga are all low-impact exercises generally recommended for people with hemophilia. These […]


Manage Your Diabetes During Ramadhan: Benefits and Tips

During Ramadan, the Islamic calendar’s ninth month, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. While fasting has many spiritual and physical benefits, it can be difficult for people with diabetes. People with diabetes, on the other hand, can safely fast during Ramadan with careful planning and management. Fasting during Ramadan is not only a religious practice; it can also have numerous health benefits for diabetics: Fasting tips for diabetics during Ramadan: Do you want to fast during Ramadan but are concerned about your diabetes? Our doctors are here to assist you! Get practical advice and tips for managing diabetes and staying […]


Living with Parkinson’s Disease: Tips for Daily Life

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement that can be difficult to manage. However, numerous coping strategies and tips can assist people with Parkinson’s disease in managing their symptoms and maintaining their quality of life. This post will look at some of these strategies and provide practical advice. Exercise One of the most important things people with Parkinson’s disease can do to manage their symptoms is exercise. Physical activity regularly can help improve balance, mobility, and overall quality of life. Exercise can also aid in the reduction of stiffness and rigidity, both of which are common […]


Benefits Of Physical Activity During Ramadhan for Diabetes Patients

Physical activity is critical for diabetics because it helps control blood glucose levels, reduces insulin resistance, and reduces the risk of long-term complications. During Ramadan, physical activity can help diabetics maintain healthy blood glucose levels, reduce the need for medication, and improve their overall health and well-being. What are the benefits? Physical activity during Ramadan necessitates careful planning and consideration of individual needs and preferences. The timing and intensity of exercise should be tailored to each individual’s unique circumstances, such as fitness level, medication schedule, and meal timings. Low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, and yoga are recommended types of […]


Autism Myths and Facts: Debunking the Misinformation

Autism is a complex and often misunderstood neurological disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. As awareness of autism has grown, so has the amount of misinformation about it. In this blog post, we will be exploring some of the common myths surrounding autism and providing facts to help debunk the misinformation.  Myth 1: There is only one type of autism. Fact: In reality, autism is a spectrum disorder, meaning that it exists in a range of severities, from mild to severe. This means that no two people with autism have the same experience. Furthermore, autism is often accompanied by other […]

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