Is The Blood Sugar Control Programme Fake?

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Blood sugar control programmes have been blooming for the past few years. They offer many promises, prominent among them is that they can reduce and cure their diabetes, but how can this be true?

Can diabetes be controlled by changing to a healthy lifestyle?

Diet plays a significant role in managing diabetes as the source of glucose comes from the food itself. Therefore, eating less sugary foods, fewer carbohydrates and other foods that trigger the level of blood glucose is one of the ways to manage your blood sugar level.

According to the CDC(Centers for Disease Control & Prevention), you can avoid or delay type 2 diabetes and enhance your overall physical and mental health by making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating better and exercising more.

A better lifestyle may avoid and delay it, but not as fast as a 1 month’s blood sugar control programme to make you healthy again. Some of the agenda may be true as it could be guided by a professional nutritionist. But, at the same time, 

other programmes might be fake as it promotes extreme diet plans.

Are blood sugar programmes or extreme diet plans effective?

Extreme blood sugar programmes sometimes can be another type of bogus treatment or cure involving extreme food plans or restrictions. These diets drastically restrict a person’s food intake in the hopes that they would be cured of diabetes. Some of these diets restrict the person’s diet to only one kind of food or one specific food. 

These extreme diets go against the grain of nutritional science by excluding or demonising entire food groups and nutrient groups, which results in an imbalanced and generally harmful diet.

A grey area of blood sugar control programme?

Blood sugar control programmes are still in grey areas since no solid and compelling evidence based on clinical research has been found. The most promising blood sugar control programmes should be under a doctor’s and nutritionist’s supervision, as they have more knowledge and experience in handling patients with diabetes. However, it can be a struggle for people to often go to the hospital.

What should be done?

We should encourage people to use mobile healthcare applications that have information and track & manage food intake and daily exercise to manage their health. 

How to avoid getting scammed by these fake programmes?

Make sure to check on these criteria before making any decision:

● Resource of the information that was claimed. Whether it is from articles, research, doctors or nutritionist

● If something happens, do they provide any specialists to be consulted with?

● Please consult with the doctor and ask for their opinion

In conclusion, it is essential to be careful with any programmes that you find online. Make sure to have a professional healthcare team with you in the program. 


  1. Cornejo, C. (2021, October 27). How Fake Cures for Diabetes Can Do Lasting Damage. Healthline.
  2. On Your Way to Preventing Type 2 Diabetes. (2019, October 3). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dr Awam

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