How To Stay Safe This Flood Season?

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One of Malaysia’s most frequent natural disasters, especially during the monsoon season, is flooding. It happens almost every year and the coasts of peninsular Malaysia are most vulnerable to flooding, particularly from October to March, when the northeast monsoon season occurs. Floods hazards may risk people’s health as it involves water and food borne diseases and may cause mass infections in the populations.

File:December 2021 Malaysian floods in Klang.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
December 2021 Malaysian floods in Klang

In order to curb these health risks, we should know and understand important tips to protect ourselves from any diseases and danger pre and post floods. These are the following tips that you may follow during the disaster:

During flood or after warning from the authorities

  • Prepare emergency supply
  • Store at least ten liters of drinking water
  • Always listen to local radio stations and television to see updates regarding the latest condition.
  • Turn off utilities such as power supply and gas valve
  • Move immediately to the evacuation centre if the situation become worse
  • Do not let your children play in the water

After flood

  • Never use flood water for washing and cooking food.
  • If you are in the evacuation centre, never go back to your home until local authorities tell you to do so.
  • Take care of your personal hygiene by washing hands regularly.
  • Always consume cooked meals.
  • Get medical attention when you experience vomiting, diarrhoea and fever.

In conclusion, even though there are several efforts made by the government to curb this problem, we also need to have our own initiatives by practising personal hygiene to protect ourselves against the infection and we also should practise safety precautions by turning off the power supply and protect the vulnerable people such as children to not play in the water during floods.


  1. Anis, A. (2017). Floods and Risk of Disease. MyHealth.
  2. Flood Safety Tips. (2022, September 23). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  3. Mokhtar, M. (2022, September 18). Be prepared for floods in the next six months. The Star.
Dr Awam

Dr Awam

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All credits goes to Awam Clinic health promotion team.

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