Awam Doctor

Health Tips

Simple 9-inch plate Diet Plan

When you have diabetes, nutrition and physical activity are critical components of a healthy lifestyle. Following a nutritious food plan and staying active will help you keep your blood glucose level (blood sugar) within your goal range, among other benefits. […]


Neonatal Hepatitis

Neonatal hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation that occurs only in infancy, usually between one- and two months following birth. Neonatal hepatitis newborns may be infected by a virus that caused the inflammation before or shortly after birth by […]

Health Awareness

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is a liver infection that can be prevented by vaccination and is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). When blood, semen, or other bodily fluids from a person infected with the virus enter the body of someone […]

Health Awareness

Why Your Body Needs Good Bacteria

Why your body needs good bacteria? Your body contains 1,000,000,000,000 (that’s a trillion!!) of bacteria all the time and most of these bacteria are NOT harmful. In fact, good/friendly bacteria are important aids for the body. Let us understand the […]