When you have diabetes, nutrition and physical activity are critical components of a healthy lifestyle. Following a nutritious food plan and staying active will help you keep your blood glucose level (blood sugar) within your goal range, among other benefits. […]
Awam Doctor
Why Your Eating Environment Makes a Difference
Obesity is a problem that bridges many different cultures, regions, and age groups. People are simply eating more and moving less than ever before. There are more influences on obesity today, however, which makes it a difficult issue to tackle. […]
5 ‘Killer’ Chemicals in Your Pod Vape
Advertising tactics for the pod vape can be misleading as they claim to have a vitamin or natural ingredients that was promoted for health. However, these wellness claims on the label are clinically unproven which is not safe for the […]
STOP Tobacco, START Living
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, totaling more than 7 million deaths annually including 1.2 million deaths from second-hand smoke exposures.
Neonatal Hepatitis
Neonatal hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation that occurs only in infancy, usually between one- and two months following birth. Neonatal hepatitis newborns may be infected by a virus that caused the inflammation before or shortly after birth by […]
How Many Types of Hepatitis Are There?
Hepatitis is a liver inflammation caused by a variety of infectious viruses and non-infectious agents, which can result in a variety of health problems, some of which are fatal. The hepatitis virus has five main strains known as types A, […]
What is Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a liver infection that can be prevented by vaccination and is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). When blood, semen, or other bodily fluids from a person infected with the virus enter the body of someone […]
Are you suffering from the Flu or COVID-19?
The world is currently transitioning into an endemic phase for the Pandemic COVID-19. A deep sigh of relief can be heard from every corner of Earth. However, the lull to safety is being disrupted by the rising number of cases […]
Traveling for your pilgrimage soon? Stay fit and healthy with these tips!
The number of pilgrims making the holy trip has been significantly reduced over the previous two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing global travel bans, but the situation is gradually returning to normal. Millions of Devout Muslims […]
Why Your Body Needs Good Bacteria
Why your body needs good bacteria? Your body contains 1,000,000,000,000 (that’s a trillion!!) of bacteria all the time and most of these bacteria are NOT harmful. In fact, good/friendly bacteria are important aids for the body. Let us understand the […]