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Stress as negative as it may sound is actually a normal reaction that occurs when changes take place, triggering emotional, intellectual, and physical reactions. It can be positive as it can help to keep us focused, inspired, and prepared to escape harm. However, did you know that stress can also be on the negative side when it is not managed properly?

Do not underestimate stress as it may threaten your heart health in silence with or without you even realising it. When you’re stressed, your body will produce a chemical called cortisol to adapt with the stress, however constant stress will produce constant cortisol that might lead to increased levels of blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and blood pressure. This will lead to a serious heart disease and can cause you to have a stroke.So here is how to manage stress to avoid getting heart disease in the future:

Recognize stress 

Recognizing your stress and how long it has been happening may help you to understand more and detect the main cause of it.  Even though short-lived stress can boost performance when meeting a significant deadline or completing some tasks, constant stress can be distinguished as chronic stress may affect your overall health.

Chronic stress can be from financial issues, toxic work environment, constant stress from work or even your personal relationship issue, so make sure to check where the source of your stress is before choosing the best solutions to manage your stress.

Set priorities

Most of the stress problems might come from working so why not try to prioritise your work task right? First, you can decide which work is most important and urgent that needs to be done first, after you are done with the task, only then you can continue with other tasks. It may be hard to be consistent, but try to schedule them into your calendar and use reminders for the deadlines. It also can provide you with the feeling of accomplishment after you finish one task.

Have a work-life balance and support systems

Make time to talk with people or go out with friends or family during your off-day. Enjoy your day and do not just stay at home alone. During your lunchtime at work, have lunch with your colleagues and talk about your day.

Regular exercise

If you have time, spend at least 30 minutes doing your workouts. Regular exercise can help to lower your blood pressure and avoid other cardiovascular diseases. But what if you are busy with work during the day? No worries, the best solution is you can exercise in the evening or during the night one hour before sleep as long as it is not vigorous. Previous study that compared the sleep onset and quality of healthy adults who exercised one evening session to those who did not. They discovered that evening exercise did not only have no impact on sleep, but also appeared to make people fall asleep more quickly and spend more time in deep sleep.

Do yoga

Yoga is known as one form of exercise that is suitable for managing stress. Yoga promotes relaxation and the opposite of creating stress. It promotes stability, flexibility and helps you to breathe properly while doing it. Previous study analysing 52 women shows that Yoga has an effective role in reducing stress, anxiety and depression hence can be used as complementary medicine. If you can’t get a hands on yoga session with a personal trainer, just find any basic yoga videos and follow it at your home.

Talk with healthcare providers

The best way to manage stress is to have someone to talk to and give solutions professionally. They will direct you on the best way to control your emotions and stress. Especially when you have depression and anxiety, this step is necessary to line up the causes, solutions and better treatments for you.

Ready to take control of your heart health and reduce stress’s silent risk? Schedule an appointment at Awam Clinic today and start your journey towards a healthier, stress-free life. Your heart deserves the best care possible, and we’re here to provide it. Click the link to see our nearest clinic now: https://awamclinic.com/book-the-best-treatment-with-awam-clinic-now/

Your heart matters. Let’s protect it together.


  1. Shohani, M., Badfar, G., Nasirkandy, M. P., Kaikhavani, S., Rahmati, S., Modmeli, Y., Soleymani, A., & Azami, M. (2018). The effect of yoga on stress, anxiety, and depression in women. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 9(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_242_16
  2. Chronic stress can cause heart trouble. (2022, June 2). www.heart.org. https://www.heart.org/en/news/2020/02/04/chronic-stress-can-cause-heart-trouble
  3. Çay, M., Ucar, C., Senol, D., Cevirgen, F., Özbağ, D., Altay, Z., & Yildiz, S. (2017). The effect of cortisol level increasing due to stress in healthy young individuals on dynamic and static balance scores. İstanbul Kuzey Klinikleri. https://doi.org/10.14744/nci.2017.42103
  4. Risk factors for heart disease: Don’t underestimate stress. (2021, November 3). Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/risk-factors-for-heart-disease-dont-underestimate-stress
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